I struggle with it. My pain body1 is no joke. You know
more than you give yourself credit for. Sure, there is someone out
there more knowledgeable about certain topics, but no one knows
everything you know. This is a feature, not a bug.
1. Pain Body "Our emotional pain body is stored in the cells of the body. Old memories and negative emotions can become fuel for our pain body, if they are not faced at the moment. Learn about this ”parasite” that causes you suffering and emotional pain." Link
I am thinking through the logistics of an email on-boarding series for new subscribers.
I am cruising around 450 subs on the email newsletter and getting around a 25% open rate. Not too bad. I think part of the issue is getting sent straight to spam folder by our friends at google.
Regardless, I am still thinking of ways to bring value to subs. WORDS has developed quite nicely over the past year and I've rolled several new products on the site.
I think I could bring value to subs by showing them or better yet highlighting different products on the site.
Current On-Boarding Email:
That's it, a single email that contains a couple links and a request to mark as safe. This is better than nothing but I can certainly do more. The question I have is what will be valuable and what will piss people off. They are subscribing for a monthly newsletter, not an on boarding series. Gotta balance value and respect the inbox.
Proposed On-Boarding Email Series:
I don't think this is too obtrusive, but I am not a user. If I sent this series weekly over 4 weeks, that doesn't seem too bothersome but you never know, again this isn't what they signed up for.
Always be testing.
Inspiration for future commentary